In Disney

Disney Mom 101: First Day of School Edition

The response to this first day of school adventure has been INCREDIBLE and I so hope I’ve inspired a few mommas (and poppas!) to have mental health days and adventures of their own as their children return to school in the coming weeks!! There’s so much more to this story and it all starts HERE – with the story of how I ended up walking away from Big Law and moving to the place that was right for my family.

Share this out if it speaks to you – and then tell us all how YOU made a moment for yourself this week.

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This, my friends. This is what you do after you drop your kids off on the first day of school.

You get yourself a pin and you walk it around Magic Kingdom like some garden gnome on a world adventure.

First you hit Main Street, U.S.A.

People are going to start stopping you and telling you that you are life goals. They will often be saddled with strollers and lots of tired children. Be gracious. Comfort them. Wish them a magical day…. and try not to skip away.

Don’t forget the Confectionary!!

And Snow White!! (Though note that she apparently isn’t allowed to hold things. Or mock your children for being in school while you’re in Magic Kingdom. Alas.)

But you know who can? THE FAIRY GODMOTHER!!! My god I love her. She was cry laughing with me and threw her arms around me while I cried, “THIS IS WHY I MOVED HERRRRRRRRRE!!!!!!!!!!”

I mentioned I love her, right? I love her SO. MUCH.

Anyway, after that you’ll be flying pretty high so just wander aimlessly having people take pictures with the pin.

And if they tell you you’re mean, just assure them that you live 10 minutes away and your kids get over there plenty often…. 

And then go home. Because it’s really too damned hot in central Florida to be in the Magic Kingdom.

And that’s a wrap!! How did you spend your first morning post-summer vacation??

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